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A little space of the online world, filled with my ideas, inspiration and general ramblings. A mix of photography, travel and crafty projects, I hope there will be a little something that will interest anyone who stops by. Enjoy!


I'm back...!

Leslie Clark

Well hello all! What can I say it really has been a while, over a year since I posted with any regularity.   

I have to say I considered saying goodbye to my little corner of the internet, because frankly I was so overwhelmed by all the wonderful blogs and images online, that I questioned why I even bother? Whilst having access to whatever you want online is great ,it can also create a feeling of mediocrity.

Anyway, I got over myself and decided to revamp things a little and thought so what I if I write this and only my Mum and friends read it! I enjoy doing it, right? So, from now I want to write about what I like and not what I think people will like. I'm not at the cutting edge of design so don't expect to read about it. It will be just an honest blog of things I stumble upon, Melbourne happenings and other general odds and ends. I have changed to a new site, moved away from blogger and now have my own web address!  My blog will be here, but I will start posting more photos in my galleries, news and events and a shop coming soon.

What better day to re-launch Little Letters than today my 35th Birthday! Happy Birthday to me and welcome back Little Letters!